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Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership - Asia, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership - Asia
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in Asia. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from Asian nationals, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership. Ideal for orienting readers to The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session or prior to administering the LPI® assessment, the article contains two case studies, a short descriptions of The Five Practices, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). In addition, available under separate ISBNs, there are now versions of this article available for specific markets, including: Financial Services, Government, Healthcare Administration, Non-Profit, and Nursing.
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Nursing, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Nursing
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of nursing. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from nursing, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Non-profit, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Non-profit
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of non-profit. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from the non-profit sector, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Healthcare - General, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Healthcare - General
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of healthcare. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from healthcare, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Government, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Government
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of government/public sector. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from government and the public sector, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Financial Services, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Financial Services
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of financial services. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from financial services, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Купить книгу The Innovation Playbook. A Revolution in Business Excellence, автора
The Innovation Playbook. A Revolution in Business Excellence
A complete roadmap to a revolution in business excellence founded on innovation Author and successful innovator Nicholas Webb believes we need a revolution in business excellence founded on innovation. In The Innovation Playbook, you will learn why innovations fail, the five rules of customer connectivity, the power of «real open» innovation and customer co-creation, the secret formula for reducing product and market risk, the magic of Future-casting, and so much more. Includes an abundance of anecdotes and examples of successful-and unsuccessful-innovation Shares the 56 ways in which innovations fail Learn the success secrets of «Innovation Superstars» Reduce innovation failure and build speed to market Includes online training a ($150.00 value) that will help you put the theory into practice, The Innovation Playbook will prepare you to get your CIS Certification, as well as to implement a successful innovation culture in corporate life.
Купить книгу Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India, автора
Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India
Today's large business organizations in India have a voracious need for effective managers and talented leaders; but demand far exceeds supply. This timely and practical book offers thoroughly-researched pointers on how Indian managers can become high-performing business leaders. The leadership development curriculum proposed in these pages is based on extracting lessons from on-the-job experience. Given that the workplace is the medium through which the essentials of leadership are learned, executives and managers at all levels need to know which experiences matter, what are the foremost lessons learned, and how learning occurs. Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today offers a complete template for effective leadership, including: The seven experiences vital for developing leadership ability The 11 lessons in leadership essential for managerial effectiveness Over 50 stories and 100 wise quotations from today's senior executives that portray how leadership acumen sharpens over time Reflective exercises, self-assessments, and guidelines for self-improvement The underlying research was conducted in cooperation with the Tata Management Training Center in Pune, India, and captures the experiences and leadership lessons learned by over 100 senior Indian business leaders. As such, it offers readers both a compass and a map for traversing the terrain of leadership development. In these pages, early and mid-career managers will find a roadmap for steering their careers towards the higher echelons of executive leadership. Senior executives, at the top of their game, will find a systematic and proactive approach to cultivating the leadership talent that their organizations will require in the future. Global executives operating in India will find out how leadership and management are practiced in India.
Купить книгу Блог на миллион долларов, автора Наташи Кортни-Смит
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Блог на миллион долларов
Истории звездных блогеров кажутся нам фантастическими, а их успех – недостижимым. Но автор книги, сменившая работу в традиционных СМИ на карьеру блогера, уверяет, что создать блог на миллион долларов может каждый, у кого есть желание, фантазия и готовность заниматься этим всерьез. Наташа Кортни-Смит делится с читателями стратегией и тактикой, которые помогли ей прийти к успеху.
Купить книгу GET FEEDBACK. Как негативные отзывы сделают ваш продукт лидером рынка, автора Джея Бэра
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GET FEEDBACK. Как негативные отзывы сделают ваш продукт лидером рынка
Распространение социальных сетей, сайтов отзывов и форумов изменило историю бизнеса. Теперь один негативный пост может обрушить ваше дело и лишить компанию клиентов. Что делать? Консультант по маркетингу Nike, WalMart, Cisco и ещё 34 компаний Джей Бэр уверен ‒ нужно отвечать. И не просто отвечать, а добиваться того, чтобы ненавистник перешел на вашу сторону и привел свою аудиторию. Монетизируйте критику!
Купить книгу Мужчины с Марса, женщины с Венеры… Содружество или четвертая мировая?, автора Джона Грэя
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Мужчины с Марса, женщины с Венеры… Содружество или четвертая мировая?
Продолжение знаменитого бестселлера Джона Грэя «Мужчины с Марса, женщины с Венеры». Теперь Марс и Венера будут учиться работать вместе в команде, преодолевать трудности в общении, добиваться неизменно превосходных результатов в работе и максимальной гармонии в семейной жизни.