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Купить книгу Team Players and Teamwork. New Strategies for Developing Successful Collaboration, автора
Team Players and Teamwork. New Strategies for Developing Successful Collaboration
Praise for Team Players and Teamwork «In the new edition of Team Players and Teamwork Glenn Parker updates his landmark compendium on the essential effect of cross-functional teamwork to encompass the added complexities of globalization facing team leaders and team members in the twenty-first century. Anyone participating on or managing members of a cross-functional team will benefit from reading this essential guide to successful teamwork.» -Jeffrey W. Warmke, vice president, global project management and leadership, Daiichi Sankyo Pharma Development «Glenn Parker has the unique combination of sound thinking and clear writing. In his recent version of Team Players and Teamwork he succeeds in taking this combination of skills to a higher level.» -Sivasilam «Thiagi» Thiagarajan, president, Workshops by Thiagi, Inc. «Glenn's book is a must-read for team leaders and team members who are looking for a comprehensive set of tools and ideas to help teams perform more effectively. Glenn offers practical wisdom-based on years of first-hand experience-that is unparalleled in the field of team dynamics.» -Robert Hoffman, executive director, organization development and talent management, oncology business unit, Norvartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Купить книгу The Skilled Negotiator. Mastering the Language of Engagement, автора
The Skilled Negotiator. Mastering the Language of Engagement
In The Skilled Negotiator Kathleen Reardon engagingly describes how to expand on negotiation strategies and develop language skills to enhance success in negotiation. The book is filled with real-life examples revealing how to detect subtleties in manner and speech that negotiation novices fail to notice. You'll learn how to identify the 'choice points' that occur during negotiations, how to influence and redirect the conversation to address what you need and ultimately get what you want. The author helps you: Identify your negotiation style and its limitations Use language strategically whether you're being subtle or direct Recognize deception and manage it Position and persuade artfully Effectively negotiate one-on-one and in teams Deal constructively with your own and others—heated emotions
Купить книгу The Psychology of Risk. Mastering Market Uncertainty, автора Ari  Kiev
The Psychology of Risk. Mastering Market Uncertainty
One of the financial world's most respected experts on the psychology of risk provides a revolutionary risk management model Over the past three decades investors have adopted all varieties of complex quantitative systems for quantifying and managing risk. Yet, sophisticated investors and money managers continue to suffer record losses in today's increasingly volatile markets. This book bridges the gap between investor psychology and quantitative risk management with a revolutionary risk management program that virtually any trader or investor can easily adapt to their goals and personalities. Using numerous fascinating real-life case studies, Dr. Kiev illustrates the various psychological and emotional traps to which even the savviest investors can fall victim. He develops a dynamic new risk management model that combines quantitative models and money management techniques. He also provides rigorous guidelines that will help readers answer such crucial questions as: How much should I trade? How much risk can I handle? and When should I get out?
Купить книгу Investing in Renewable Energy. Making Money on Green Chip Stocks, автора Jeff  Siegel
Investing in Renewable Energy. Making Money on Green Chip Stocks
Investing in Renewable Energy puts the depletion of finite resources such as oil, natural gas, and coal in perspective, and discusses how renewable energy solutions–from solar and wind to geothermal and biofuels–will usher in a new generation of wealth for investors and a new way of life for everyone. With this book, you'll discover various renewable energy technologies that are at the forefront of transitioning our energy economy, and learn how to profit from next-generation renewable energy projects and companies that are poised to take over where fossil fuels will leave off.
Купить книгу Active Value Investing. Making Money in Range-Bound Markets, автора
Active Value Investing. Making Money in Range-Bound Markets
A strategy to profit when markets are range bound–which is half of the time One of the most significant challenges facing today’s active investor is how to make money during the times when markets are going nowhere. Bookshelves are groaning under the weight of titles written on investment strategy in bull markets, but there is little guidance on how to invest in range bound markets. In this book, author and respected investment portfolio manager Vitaliy Katsenelson makes a convincing case for range-bound market conditions and offers readers a practical strategy for proactive investing that improves profits. This guide provides investors with the know-how to modify the traditional, fundamentally driven strategies that they have become so accustomed to using in bull markets, so that they can work in range bound markets. It offers new approaches to margin of safety and presents terrific insights into buy and sell disciplines, international investing, «Quality, Valuation, and Growth» framework, and much more. Vitaliy Katsenelson, CFA (Denver, CO) has been involved with the investment industry since 1994. He is a portfolio manager with Investment Management Associates where he co-manages institutional and personal assets utilizing fundamental analysis. Katsenelson is a member of the CFA Institute, has served on the board of CFA Society of Colorado, and is also on the board of Retirement Investment Institute. Vitaliy is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Colorado at Denver – Graduate School of Business. He is also a regular contributor to the Financial Times, The Motley Fool, and Minyanville.com.
Купить книгу Creating the Innovation Culture. Leveraging Visionaries, Dissenters and Other Useful Troublemakers, автора Frances  Horibe
Creating the Innovation Culture. Leveraging Visionaries, Dissenters and Other Useful Troublemakers
Why dissenters can be an organization's most valuable asset and how to transform dissent into innovation Innovation is essential to competitive survival in today's global marketplace. But in the majority of traditional organizations, innovators are perceived as counter-productive dissenters, single-minded troublemakers who are difficult to manage and politically naive. Written by a leading international expert on change management, this groundbreaking book explores the vital link between the need for innovation in the e-business world and the new role of dissenters as agents for constructive change. With the help of numerous case examples and anecdotes, Frances Horibe helps managers appreciate the value that dissent can bring to an organization, and she provides proven strategies and hands-on advice on how to encourage innovation and manage creative dissent, while avoiding paralyzing conflicts. Readers learn about the new role of managers as political handlers who help develop and support new ideas and sell them to senior management, and much more.
Купить книгу The Wizard and the Warrior. Leading with Passion and Power, автора
The Wizard and the Warrior. Leading with Passion and Power
The Wizard and the Warrior gives leaders the insight and courage they need to take risks on behalf of values they cherish and the people they guide. Great leaders must act both as wizard, calling on imagination, creativity, meaning, and magic, and as warrior, mobilizing strength, courage, and willingness to fight as necessary to fulfill their mission. Best-selling authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal present the defining moments and experiences of exemplary leaders such as Carly Fiorina, Thomas Keller (head chef of French Laundry), David Neeleman (CEO of Jet Blue), Mary Kay Ash, Warren Buffet, Anne Mulcahy, and Abraham Lincoln¾all of whom have wrested with their own inner warrior and wizard. These engaging, realistic case studies are followed by commentaries that will raise questions and suggest possibilities without rushing to resolution or simple answers.
Купить книгу Competing for Capital. Investor Relations in a Dynamic World, автора
Competing for Capital. Investor Relations in a Dynamic World
Praise for Competing for Capital «An indispensable guide for investor relations and communication counselors alike. With more individual investors in the market than ever before, this book makes navigating the new regulatory playing field much more possible–and makes clear the path to victory.» –Michael W. Robinson Director, Levick Strategic Communications; Former Director of Public Affairs and Policy, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); Director of Media Relations, NASD «More than simply writing a textbook on IR, Bruce Marcus shares his wealth of experience and critical viewpoint with those seeking to understand a fast-changing profession.» –June Filingeri President of Comm-Partners LLC, Investor Relations Consultant, and Educator «Bruce Marcus puts some solid ground under the shifting landscape of being an investor relations professional. A must-read primer for public companies.» –Robert C. Roeper Managing Director, VIMAC Ventures, LLC «As the song lyrics go, 'everything old is new again,' but this time with a vengeance. Disclosure has always been the touchstone of securities laws, but now more disclosure is required on a real-time basis with heightened accountability. Competing for Capital is a must-read for those in the securities industry, providing insights into securities markets, the information age and technology, and their impact on the job of investor relations professionals. Investors come in all shapes and sizes from around the globe, and investor relations personnel have their work cut out for them to provide clear, comprehensible, and comprehensive information, accessible to the novice and sophisticate alike. Competing for Capital shows them the way.» –Donna L. Brooks, Esq. Partner, Shipman & Goodwin, LLP «Competing for Capital puts our recent turbulent financial marketplace in context, provides solid information for both new and experienced investor relations practitioners, and offers insights into the future of IR–all in Bruce Marcus's easy-reading style.» –Dixie Watterson IR consultant, Communica Partners «Competing for Capital aptly illustrates how investor relations has become a major corporate responsibility in generating trust, and how the profession must realize now more than ever that the needs of investors have changed because of technology, regulation, and globalization.» –Mark Kollar Managing Director, Cubitt Jacobs & Prosek
Купить книгу Leading Out Loud. Inspiring Change Through Authentic Communications, автора Terry  Pearce
Leading Out Loud. Inspiring Change Through Authentic Communications
As the cycle of change increases its speed, leadership communication is becoming more important than ever. Since the original publication of Leading Out Loud in 1995, the development of a leader's message has become as critical to success as the delivery of that message. In this new and revised edition of his highly praised work, Terry Pearce explains how the events of recent years, including the information revolution, worldwide focus on terrorism, and the revelation of corporate scandals, have significantly increased the importance of authenticity in leadership to build loyalty in organizations. This new edition focuses on the source of a message for change, its development as a platform for leadership communication, and its many forms of expression from speeches to e-mails, memos, and even informal «water cooler» conversation. Pearce shows leaders in business, politics, and nonprofits how to communicate their values and vision to inspire commitment; he provides tools and examples from well-known leaders as well as less-known but effective change agents. Leading Out Loud gives readers concrete methods for improving their own communication by guiding them to do the internal work necessary for creating an honest and compelling vision, and by demonstrating how readers can find their authentic voice and articulate their messages with confidence. People make commitments, says Pearce, to causes they value and to people they respect and trust. An authentic voice and an inclusive perspective are requisites for any leader who would inspire change. Trust is built by communicating from both the mind and the heart, speaking directly to the minds and hearts of others, listening to their response, and respecting their points of view. All leaders will benefit from Pearce's wisdom, as will anyone else who wants to inspire positive change through others.
Купить книгу Convertible Arbitrage. Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging, автора
Convertible Arbitrage. Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging
Minimize risk and maximize profits with convertible arbitrage Convertible arbitrage involves purchasing a portfolio of convertible securities-generally convertible bonds-and hedging a portion of the equity risk by selling short the underlying common stock. This increasingly popular strategy, which is especially useful during times of market volatility, allows individuals to increase their returns while decreasing their risks. Convertible Arbitrage offers a thorough explanation of this unique investment strategy. Filled with in-depth insights from an expert in the field, this comprehensive guide explores a wide range of convertible topics. Readers will be introduced to a variety of models for convertible analysis, «the Greeks,» as well as the full range of hedges, including titled and leveraged hedges, as well as swaps, nontraditional hedges, and option hedging. They will also gain a firm understanding of alternative convertible structures, the use of foreign convertibles in hedging, risk management at the portfolio level, and trading and hedging risks. Convertible Arbitrage eliminates any confusion by clearly differentiating convertible arbitrage strategy from other hedging techniques such as long-short equity, merger and acquisition arbitrage, and fixed-income arbitrage. Nick Calamos (Naperville, IL) oversees research and portfolio management for Calamos Asset Management, Inc. Since 1983 his experience has centered on convertible securities investment. He received his undergraduate degree in economics from Southern Illinois University and an MS in finance from Northern Illinois University.
Купить книгу Broadbandits. Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist, автора
Broadbandits. Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist
Investigating the financial fraud and misguided power plays that brought down the telecom industry Once the foundation of the Dow and NASDAQ, the telecom industry has eaten up more capital than any other industry in recent history and has nothing to show for it. Today, it is by far the worst culprit in the spate of financial dirty dealings that have been splashed across the business pages, and yet the rewards reaped by top executives at many of these failed or failing companies have been inversely proportionate to their decline. Broadbandits takes readers behind the scenes to get the story they won't get in the media. Investigative reporter Om Malik follows the money trail and deciphers the actions and motivations of a generation of new economy «barbarians» that brought down this once lucrative industry. This intriguing book offers an inside look into the telecom bubble, with tales and anecdotes about mavericks who turned simple light and glass fibers into veins of gold, financiers who got greedy and fleeced unsuspecting millions, clueless venture capitalists who thought they'd tapped into the mother lode, hapless entrepreneurs who believed that they were changing the world, and self-proclaimed pundits who were cheering it all on from the sidelines. Broadbandits is a compelling account of the downfall of telecom giants such as WorldCom and Global Crossing, and will show readers how many telecom upstarts and veterans alike became victims of what one chief executive aptly described as «high-yield heroin.» Om Malik (New York, NY) is a Senior Writer for Red Herring who focuses on the telecommunications sector. Prior to joining Red Herring in July 2000, he was senior editor at Forbes.com. His work has also been published in newspapers and magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, Business 2.0, Brandweek, and Crain's New York Business. For a very brief while, he was a venture capitalist.
Купить книгу Eisenhower on Leadership. Ike's Enduring Lessons in Total Victory Management, автора Alan  Axelrod
Eisenhower on Leadership. Ike's Enduring Lessons in Total Victory Management
Based on the findings in recently released archive papers and letters, as well as extensive library and historical resources, Alan Axelrod offers a compelling profile of the remarkable leadership discipline of a general often called a «military CEO.» In fascinating detail, Axelrod reveals that Ike was more than a great military leader; he was also a great executive who could—and did—write a reassuring letter to the mother of a solider one moment and make decisions impacting millions of lives the next. Follow Ike's path as Supreme Commander from the invasion of North Africa to victory in Europe and learn the lessons of great leadership along the way, including: The nature of leadership Managing detail without sacrificing the “big picture” Ensuring follow-through to execution Building a team Converting conflict into common cause Getting the facts and making plans Mentoring, motivating, and inspiring